I am currently engaged in a critical assignment on Manaan and cannot investigate the situation myself. I have received word that my research team on Yavin 4 has suffered crippling losses while continuing the investigation that you and I pursued on that very same moon. 'enMale': 'Most Honorable Commander,\n\nI write to you under dire circumstances-please forgive me for not forwarding this request via proper channels. You could finally shine a light onto a mystery that has remained unsolved for centuries!\n\nWith earnest regards,\nTalos Drellik\n', They were close to a significant breakthrough, I'm sure of it.
\n\nIf there is any chance that you yourself could look into the matter and complete the team's work, Doctor Oggurrob and I would be forever grateful.
'JournalText': 'Most Honorable Commander,\n\nI write to you under dire circumstances-please forgive me for not forwarding this request via proper channels. 'deFemale': 'Zur\u00fcckgewonnener Schatz' 'deMale': 'Zur\u00fcckgewonnener Schatz',